☁️What’s on my mind
In the last two weeks, I have been working a lot on the so-called NCE – a new commerce experience, which Microsoft introduced this year. Days were full of explaining, clarifying, answering resellers’ questions.
I’m finding there’s a lot of confusion, a lot of things that are not clear, inconsistent Microsoft communication, new cancellation policy, monthly commitment, yearly commitment, changed billing policy …
The only thing I can say for sure: change is really the only constant in the world of cloud computing.
Have a really great day.
Matic Z.
💻 Productivity & Modern Workplace
What’s new in Microsoft 365 and Teams? In the last two months of last year, Teams got a number of updates. Here’s a summary of what’s now in general availability.
Bridging the Gap Between Microsoft Teams and Email. Microsoft Teams is mostly an internal communications platform while email connects billions of people around the world. Inside Microsoft 365 tenants, you might need to connect Teams and email together.
How to use the whiteboard in Microsoft Teams. To be honest, Whiteboard is one of the things I very rarely use. I found some useful tips in this article.
Sketch your way around Microsoft 365. Scientists say that handwriting is much more beneficial for the brain than typing. I suppose it is the same with sketching.
Top 8 new features in Word // New updates in Word 365 Desktop and the web. A great video on some of the most useful new features that Word now has.
How to use Power BI | Beginner Tutorial in 2022. Data analysis is very important for business. And Power BI is a tool that helps a lot. How to get started with Power BI? Find out in this video.
☁️Sysadmin Stuff
Sending From Email Aliases. Yes, at last, this feature is finally coming. It’s not completely bug-free yet, but regardless, it’s something that users on Linux mail systems have known for decades.
How to set up a multifunction device or application to send email using Microsoft 365 or Office 365. Article from the official Microsoft documentation. A solution to a problem I am often asked about by IT professionals.
How to Configure Microsoft Teams Features for Your Organization. There are at least two aspects to the administration of the Teams environment. The first is of a purely organizational nature, how an organization should use Teams in the first place and how it should organize its data within this environment. The second is of a technical nature, also related to security and other features Teams offers, and also has its own administration portal. Well, the latter is the subject of the article.
☁️Security & Data Governance
Why Separate Microsoft 365 Administrator Accounts are Critical to Security Posture? There’s a lot of debate around the need to separate Microsoft 365 administrator accounts, especially when controls such as Privileged Identity Management exist within an organization.
Unboxing Microsoft Defender for Business, Part 1: Simplified configuration process. It seems to me that Microsoft Defender for Business will be the flagship of security solutions in the Microsoft 365 environment. For small and medium businesses, of course. Why? Read on.
💻 Noteworthy (long)reads
5 Ways How Metaverse Will Change Remote Work in 2022. As you probably know, I am a big fan of the metaverse and therefore read everything related to it. OK, I am kidding a little bit. But I have to know the enemy. Where the metaverse will hit us all …
💻 Classifieds
Manage Microsoft 365 like a PRO. Instructor: yours truly Matic @ M365weekly.com. For those who would like to learn the basics of managing a Microsoft 365 environment, I am organizing a special course for beginners. Mind the date: my first cohort-based virtual course will be on 7 February 2022 @ 7 PM CET / 1 PM EST. Early-bird price until 31 January.
😂 On a Less Serious Note

☁️ Last but not least …
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