☁️What’s on my mind
I’ve been creating this newsletter for over a year now. It’s time to take it one step further and grow the audience a little bit faster.
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Have a great week.
Matic Z.
💻 Productivity & Modern Workplace
Windows 11: Some answers, some questions. Windows 11 is available for installation and upgrade. You can find frequently asked questions here. Should you update your Windows 10? I did it a few days after the official release. So far, so good.
The flexibility of this, that, and other things as tabs in Teams. A selection of productivity tips and tricks for Teams.
How to Install Microsoft Teams on Linux. Supported distributions: Debian / Ubuntu, Fedora / CentOS / RHEL.
How Many Channels Should a Team Have? Unfortunately, you can’t have as many channels as your heart desires. There are limits, and certainly, best practices, that dictate the optimal structure of groups and channels.
Join Teams meeting anonymously from Teams desktop app. This is one of the options that many users have missed and wondered why they didn’t have this option before. See what you need to do to turn this option on.
☁️Sysadmin Stuff
How to Allow People in Your Office 365 Tenant to See Details of Each Other’s Calendar. By default, Exchange Online only shows other people whether you are busy or free on a given time slot. But what if you want to see other details in your calendar entries? Of course, that’s possible, too. You just need to dig a little deeper into the permissions, and it will work.
How to Create the Perfect Microsoft Teams Setup for Education. Having an optimal Teams setup suitable for education purposes requires a bit of work. Learn how to make a perfect setup.
☁️Security & Data Governance
Using your smartphone as a FIDO security with IDmelon. In an age when identity theft has become almost a sport for hackers, no protection is superfluous.
7 Questions to Ask When Purchasing Ransomware Protection. Are you relying on the fact that you have a backup in place to fight ransomware? Well, you have a problem. Ransomware protection needs a much broader approach.
A guide to combatting human-operated ransomware: Part 1. “Human-operated ransomware is not a malicious software problem—it’s a human criminal problem.”
☁️Noteworthy (long)reads
The 5 Habits of Highly Effective M365 Professionals. When we had all the IT infrastructure in-house, I hope we took pretty good care of security. But what about today, when business data is often just in the cloud? Do we rely solely on the cloud provider? If we don’t take care of security ourselves, no one else will. A great article on the five habits every Microsoft 365 pro should have.
What Happens on the Internet Every Minute (2021 Version). Personally, I find this infographic very interesting and it shows that data really never sleeps.
Business-first methodology for deploying Office 365. Office 365’s business-first approach ensures that new features bring maximum business benefits.
😂 On a Less Serious Note

☁️ Last but not least …
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