☁️What’s on my mind
The only reasonably good way to secure your identity anywhere on the internet is to enable multifactor authentication everywhere. Microsoft is doing a good job raising awareness regarding MFA and, in cases of global admins, enforcing MFA when logging in.
But at the same time, this presents IT service providers with a challenge. They were creating (in the worst case) one global admin user on each tenant and sharing login info between technicians. MFA puts an end to that practice. Each technician will either have to have their own “MFA enabled login” on each separate tenant or find some other more convenient way to support clients.
I guess the right way to solve this pickle is in every technician having their own account in Microsoft Partner Center and manage ALL tenants from one place. Meaning every tenant needs to connect to the IT provider’s Partner Center. In other words: the IT provider needs to get delegated admin rights on every tenant they want to manage.
You can find a detailed description of how to do that in Microsoft’s documentation (link).
Have a great week.
Matic Z.
💻 Productivity & Modern Workplace
How to follow up Teams Webinar attendees with Dynamics 365 Marketing. Combining D365 Marketing and Teams Webinars creates a very powerful marketing tool to track attendees, do follow-ups, and start selling them. If you want to learn how to use this properly, read it in this great article.
How to paste a copied URL as a web address instead of a hyperlinked title. Some (old school guys like me) like to have control over how pasted URL looks like. Speaking for myself I prefer seeing URL and then editing it to have anchor text or just pure URL notation. Discover how the pasting of links works in Edge.
9 Useful OneDrive Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Account. Let’s face it, using OneDrive is not as user-friendly as using Dropbox, for example. We have to put a little more effort into it. But when you grasp what OneDrive can do, you’ll probably never want to use some other cloud storage.
Replace Microsoft Teams’ wiki tab with a OneNote notebook tab. Wiki is just not a good choice. Why and how to replace it with OneNote?
How to use Power bi maps – Complete tutorial. A very comprehensive guide with screenshots and step-by-step instructions.
Tasks from Teams Chat. Manage distractions while working in Teams. When you’re included in a lot of Teams groups all the notifications can become overwhelming. Why not create tasks out of important messages?
How to Create a Word Cloud in PowerPoint – Make Custom Word Clouds FAST. A short video from Youtube explaining how easy it is to create a word cloud in PowerPoint.
Power Automate Fundamentals # 1: Quick Conversion. Automate all repetitive tasks. You’ll be more productive. Power Automate is a tool everybody can use.
☁️Sysadmin Stuff
Continue staying ahead with Microsoft Certifications. I strive to learn new things each day. This is a competitive advantage I have over those who don’t. There’s a lot of great resources on official MS web pages that can get you through the certification process and successfully complete the exams.
Teams Phone Screen Capture Tool. Screen captures of phone screens look way better and professional then those you make with a phone.
Why can’t you remove the last Exchange Server? You migrated Exchange on-premise to Exchange Online. Congratulations, good choice. If you only count the security aspect of the move, you’ve done colossal work. Now you’d like to tidy your on-premise servers and you find out you can’t remove the last exchange server you have in your data center. Why?
How To Add New Domain To Microsoft 365. It’s one of the most basic and first things you do when opening a new tenant. A must-read for those who are adding domain the first time.
New minimum Outlook for Windows version requirements for Microsoft 365. “I would like to connect my Outlook 2007 to my mail in Microsoft 365”, someone asked me a few days ago. Connect with 14 years old Outlook? No-go. What about other versions of Office suites?
☁️Security & Data Governance
Teams Real Simple with Pictures: Let’s get 100% on Teams Items in Microsoft 365 Secure Score. For me, Secure Score is some kind of a game. What can I do to make it go as high as possible?
The Most Important Steps an Administrator Can Take to Make Exchange Online Secure by Default. Some believe that Exchange Online is secure by default. The truth is that it is much more secure by default than on-premise Exchange but still not as secure as it could be. Learn what changes you need to make.
Gerry Hampson Device Management: Migrating to a Microsoft Defender solution. Great article that answers many questions sysadmins and security people have about Microsoft Defender products.
Phishing Awareness Training for Office 365. Train your users to recognize phishing. No need to outsource the task. You have all the necessary tools right in Microsoft 365 ecosystem.
Design scenario based Conditional Access Policies notes from the field. There is no reason not to use conditional access. It makes your organization much more secure. Still don’t see the point? Let’s say an employee goes to Russia on vacation and wants to access company files from there. If that is against your company policy, you can limit his access because he’s in a risky part of the world.
☁️Noteworthy (long)reads
Windows 11 available on October 5. What will it look like? What new features will it have? More integrated into the cloud? Let’s find out.
Hybrid work = hybrid life. We are working and living in a hybrid mode. And it seems “hybrid” is not going away anytime soon.
Research Proves Your Brain Needs Breaks. Don’t kill your productivity, your happiness, and your health.
☁️On a Less Serious Note
☁️ Last but not least …
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