☁️What’s on my mind
It’s just a little over one year since the lockdown was issued for my beloved country Slovenia and most of the world, too. My world changed drastically in a matter of hours. A few days later I lost my job at the largest tech retailer in the region. The business literally stopped because of lockdown with an over 90% drop in sales.
And just a few weeks down the path I got myself a dream job. I have always dreamt about the work-from-home lifestyle. Dreams came true. But the funny thing is that today I miss 30-minute commutes, water cooler debates, and in-person interactions with business partners.
But on the other hand, if there were not for Teams, Zoom, and other remote work tools readily available to us, I can’t even imagine how work from home would look like. A big yay for tech companies!
How about you? Tell me your story of the last year. I’m really interested.
Have a nice week.
Matic Z.
💻 Productivity & Modern Workplace
Will Microsoft Teams webinar meetings overtake Live Events in Teams? Recently announced Teams Pro plan that should launch in april will definitely gain some users that were previously using Teams live events. Youtube video.
Back up your Documents, Pictures, and Desktop folders with OneDrive. Imagine your computer dies. When you backup your pics, docs and desktop folders to OneDrive you can be up and running shortly after logging into the new computer.
AML (Automate My Life) – With Power Automate. 3 real-life cases where automation really made a big difference. I’ll surely use at least one of them.
Starting an instant Microsoft Teams meeting with Outlook’s Meet Now button. To make it easier to start an instant meeting in Microsoft Teams, Microsoft added a Meet Now option in the Teams client some time back. But now they added it to …
Rehearse your slide show with Presenter Coach. Presenter Coach in PowerPoint can help you refine your presentation. It lets you know if you’re reading from your slides too much, using too many filler words, speaking too quickly (or too slowly), and more.
☁️Sysadmin Stuff
Best practices for migrating to SharePoint and OneDrive. How to prepare your organization to migrate your data to Microsoft 365.
How to configure branding for your Microsoft 365 tenant? Customize your logon screen with your logo and a suitable wallpaper, customize colors on the whole Microsoft 365 portal, and more.
Automatic assignment of licenses via Auto-claim policies in Office 365. An auto-claim policy lets users automatically claim a license for a product the first time that they sign into an app. As an admin, you typically assign licenses to users either manually, or by using group-based licensing. By using auto-claim policies, you manage the products for which users can automatically claim licenses. You can also control which products those licenses come from.
How to Enable and Use Exchange Online’s External Email Tagging Feature. You’ve probably seen some mail messages where your previous message was labeled as “external sender”. Learn how to enable the same tags for your organization.
Microsoft Releases Box to Microsoft 365 Migration Tool. Microsoft has a new tool that will make it easier for companies to migrate from Box to OneDrive/SharePoint.
☁️Security & Data Governance
How to Remove Former Employee License and User account in Office 365. When an employee leaves the company you need to properly decommission his/her credentials, too. By not doing so you have to live with a big security risk that can haunt you for years.
Microsoft Office 365 Attacks on the Rise. Microsoft Office 365 deployments suffered account takeovers at a time when remote workforces relied on the suite to get their jobs done.
What the online world can learn from recent on-prem Exchange Server challenges. Hafnium hacking collective rattled the cage of on-prem sysadmins in the last few weeks.
End to End Encryption (E2EE) in Microsoft Teams—What Does It Mean To You? Microsoft announced at Ignite in March 2021 the coming availability of end-to-end encryption (E2EE) for Teams, starting with 1:1 Teams calls. Learn what this means to you and your users.
💻 Upcoming Webinars
March 29. – April 1., 2021. Microsoft 365 Governance Mini Summit Week. One session a day. Free online event.
April 6, 2021. Choosing the right tools for your Microsoft 365 migration. Free webinar.
April 13, 2021. Best practices for data migrations to Microsoft 365. Free webinar.
May 28, 2021. The Microsoft 365 Ecosystem: What You Should Know. Free community pass.
10 signs you are an Office 365 Consultant. A bit funny piece of writing not really off track about M365 consultancy. 🙂
Microsoft Office 365 vs Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) – Which is Best? Both major players in the modern workplace market compared side by side.
IT admin with axe to grind sent to prison for wiping Microsoft user accounts. The consequences wouldn’t be so dire in case the company had a properly implemented backup solution. That’s why you need a backup even for cloud solutions. #justsaying
☁️On a Less Serious Note
☁️ Last but not least …
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